Vanished World Society

The Vanished World Society governs the Trail and Centre through monthly meetings of its committee and subcommittees dealing with the Trail, Centre and Education. A ‘Friends of Vanished World Trust’ supports the Centre, helps to fund various expenses and provides volunteers for the Centre and for Trail activities.
The Friends support a number of activities for members each year, a chance to learn more about the local landscape and the geology that has shaped it.
Guided bus tours can be arranged, including activities at the Centre and a visit to a number of Trail sites in close vicinity to the Centre.
We can also provide an educational package using the facilities available at the Centre for school groups on request. An opportunity to participate in activities and go on a field trip to Elephant Rocks.
Give us a call and we will quote you a price 027 431 2024.
Objectives of Vanished World Inc.
To develop and promote the establishment of heritage trails and site displays of fossils and geological features in the Waitaki District
To encourge and develop education-based resources for all levels of people both resident of and visitors to the Waitaki District
To establish and maintain relationships with other persons who work to conserve and preserve other sites of historical significance in the Waitaki District and elsewhere in New Zealand
To carry out such activities as a non-profit organisation, applying all surplus funds from time to time towards the furtherance of these objects
To promote the preservation, conservation and sustainable development of fossil and geological sites in the Waitaki District
To arrange in the Waitaki District social, cultural and physical activities at and around the heritage trails and fossils and geological sites suitable for person of all ages
To engage in any other activities which are consistent with the objects of the Society as may be agreed by the members from time to time in accordance with the Constitution